Algorithms and Imperative Programming

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    In brief

  • Code : N5EE02A


This class aims to present the key tools used to design IT applications. The various design steps are presented in an approach ranging from reading a specification to implement on a computer-based solution (here using the C-ANSI language).



 There are two separated parts to the Algorithms and Imperative Programming class.  The first part will focus on tools dedicated to the design of computer programs totally independent of the programming language. The program refinement and their translation into algorithmic form will be learned.

The second part discusses the specificities of the C language and the methodologies for translating and algorithm in that language.

 This class is associated with a tutorial which illustrates both the design and the programming part. Different examples are dealt in order to illustrate the design process, up to the final implementation of the computer code.

Targeted skills

-Ability to refine a specification to prepare its algorithmic formulation

-Capacity to write an algorithm from a refinement

- Be familiar with the specificities and syntax of the C language when translating an algorithm.

Session 1 ou session unique - Contrôle des connaissances

CT (contrôle terminal) Oral/Ecrit50%Algorithmique - Examen
CT (contrôle terminal) Rapport50%Algorithmique - BE

Session 2 - Contrôle des connaissances

CT (contrôle terminal) Oral/Ecrit50%Algorithmique - Examen
CT (contrôle terminal) Rapport50%Algorithmique - BE




The National Institute of Electrical engineering, Electronics, Computer science,Fluid mechanics & Telecommunications and Networks

2, rue Charles Camichel - BP 7122
31071 Toulouse Cedex 7, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 20 00


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