Introduction to optimization

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    In brief

  • Code : N6EM01C


Learn the basics of optimization methods: decision variables, objective function, minimization of nonlinear problems, least squares problems, minimization under stress

   numerical optimization approach: iterative gradient methods; least squares problems; other numerical methods such as simulated annealing; network / graph problems


1. Free and constrained minimization, Lagrange multipliers, convexity

2. Application 1: Nonlinear Regression, Model Registration,

3. Application 2: Newton's method for finding equilibrium points

4. Functional optimization

5. Application: minimal surfaces

Targeted skills

- be able to pose an optimization problem with or without constraint

- be able to use solvers (Matlab, Python ...) to solve minimization problems, linear / nonlinear regression type, Newton's method ...

- be able to apply functional minimization and Euler-Lagrange equations for simple systems

Session 1 ou session unique - Contrôle des connaissances

CC (contrôle continu) Oral/Ecrit100%Rapport Introduction à l'optimisation

Session 2 - Contrôle des connaissances

CC (contrôle continu) Oral/Ecrit100%Rapport Introduction à l'optimisation




The National Institute of Electrical engineering, Electronics, Computer science,Fluid mechanics & Telecommunications and Networks

2, rue Charles Camichel - BP 7122
31071 Toulouse Cedex 7, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 20 00


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