Continuum mechanics

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    In brief

  • Number of hours : Presential 50 h + Personal work 25 h = 75 h
  • Teaching method : En présence
  • Code : N5EM03B


This course allows to assimilate the basic formalism of the mechanics of the continuous environments leading to the writing of the Lamé and Navier-Stokes equations.


At the end of the first part of the course, freshmen will be able to:

  • to use the formalism of the linear algebra to follow the demonstrations leading to the equations of the mechanics of the continuous mediums;
  • explain the transformations between volumes and surfaces in the balance equations;
  •  describe behavioral laws for the diffusion of heat or the rheology of elastic solids;
  •  calculate analytical solutions for simple linear elasticity problems.

At the end of the second part of the course, freshmen will be able:

  • to describe the kinematics of the flows using matrices expressing the rotation or the deformation of the particles;
  • to formulate the conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy;
  • to describe behavioral laws for the Newtonian fluid rheology;
  • to calculate analytical solutions for simple fluid mechanics problems.


1) Linear algebra and tensors: Einstein convention, differential operators, the divergence formula
2) The continuum hypothesis: heat flux vector by small tetrahedra, Fourier law and state law leading to the heat equation.
3) Large and small deformations: Jacobian matrice, dilatation tensor and small strains tensor, Jacobian.
4) Stress tensor under small  strains: mass conservation in Lagrangian representation, fundamental principle of dynamics, existence and symmetry of the stress tensor.
5) Lamé equations : Hooke's Law, longitudinal and transverse waves in solids.
6) Kinematics: trajectories, streamlines, particle spin.
7) Transport theorems: rotation vector and tensor strain rate, pass on a moving domain.

8) incompressible Navier-Stokes equations: fundamental principle of the dynamics, law of behavior.
9) Compressible Navier-Stokes equations: "theorem" of kinetic energy and power of internal forces, first principle of thermodynamics.

A session of Practical Work (4h): "Hydraulic jump", to illustrate the notion of discontinuity and jump relation.


 [1] O. Thual, Mécanique des Milieux ContinusÉd. Ress. Pédago. Ouv. INP 1018 (2012) 48h

[2] Introduction à la Mécanique des milieux continus déformables - Auteur : O. THUAL - Editeur : Cépaduès - Editions , 1997 - ISBN : 2854284550

[3] Étagère de cours Scholarvox : Mécanique des milieux continus

Session 1 ou session unique - Contrôle des connaissances

CC (contrôle continu) Oral/Ecrit375/10Examen Mécanique des Milieux continus
CC (contrôle continu) Oral/Ecrit375/10Examen 2 Mécanique des Milieux continus
CC (contrôle continu) Travaux Pratiques25%TP Mécanique des Milieux continus

Session 2 - Contrôle des connaissances

CC (contrôle continu) Oral/Ecrit375/10Examen Mécanique des Milieux continus
CC (contrôle continu) Oral/Ecrit375/10Examen 2 Mécanique des Milieux continus
CC (contrôle continu) Travaux Pratiques25%TP Mécanique des Milieux continus


THUAL Olivier

Phone : 2945

Email : Olivier.Thual @


Phone : 2935

Email : julie.albagnac @

PRAUD Olivier

Phone : 2925

Email : Olivier.Praud @


Phone : 2877

Email : Paul.Duru @



  • Toulouse


The National Institute of Electrical engineering, Electronics, Computer science,Fluid mechanics & Telecommunications and Networks

2, rue Charles Camichel - BP 7122
31071 Toulouse Cedex 7, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 20 00


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