Valorisation des effluents

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    In brief

  • Number of hours : 17,5
  • Code : N1MD04C


The management of our waste is a key element of the circular economy and more generally the sustainable development, and responds to strong environmental and economic challenges. In function of waste and the context under consideration, their management includes reuse, recycling, recovery and disposal. However, each of these channels poses problems of different kinds: regulatory, environmental, sanitary, agronomic and technical problems.


The notion of waste evolves with time and European legislation. More than a problem of waste, it is a waste policy that makes and undoes this notion of waste. The different sectors recycling / recovery are described for paper, glass, household waste, garbage green waste, agricultural waste, etc., from the collection, the process, to material recovery,
agronomic and energetic. A focus is made on composting and methanization. All this is presented in class and in TD, by conferences of external speakers (C. Charenton and C. C. Couturier) and illustrated by a visit to the composting and methanisation platform in Ginestous.


The operation of sewage treatment plants, interests and limits of sewage treatment plant sludge are processed in the course and in TD: the origin and quality of the products, the factors limiting the valorization (micropollutants and health risks) , spreading plan and bases for calculating the optimal dose to be applied in the field, depending on the crop and all the constraints encountered during the different stages of
the development of a spreading plan. A case study is conducted in TD: students are required to remobilize their knowledge through practical questions that they will have to answer in development of a preliminary study for an application plan




The National Institute of Electrical engineering, Electronics, Computer science,Fluid mechanics & Telecommunications and Networks

2, rue Charles Camichel - BP 7122
31071 Toulouse Cedex 7, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 20 00


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