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    In brief

  • ECTS credits : 5
  • Code : N8EN15


This modulus consists in a project whose subject is given by a company, and which is conducted in collaboration with engineers of that company. The work is mainly done at school, but meetings and working visits can also take place in the company premises.

The main objective consists then, before the summer internship, in better understanding the way a concrete project is addressed and what specific constraints can occur in the workplace.


Students, by groups of 2 or 3, have to find a company and a project subject of their choice.

To that end, they are assisted by the responsible of this modulus.

They can choose a subjected allowing them to further investigate a field of the option Communications Systems (e.g. a subject on error-correcting codes for satellite communications, with a industrial of that field), or at the contrary they can choose a subject that they will not particularly study in this option, and which will allow them to spread the spectrum of their skills (for instance, a subject on AI in a concrete case-study, or a subject on embedded systems using Arduino coding).

Targeted skills

The main skill consists in acquiring a professional approach of the implementation of a technical project.

There is no specific technical skill since the subject of the project is at choice (to define with the company) in the fields of the Sciences du Numérique diploma, which may correspond to very wide range of competences.


No pre-requisite.





The National Institute of Electrical engineering, Electronics, Computer science,Fluid mechanics & Telecommunications and Networks

2, rue Charles Camichel - BP 7122
31071 Toulouse Cedex 7, France

+33 (0)5 34 32 20 00


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