Projet Données réparties
Put into practice the principles and technologies studied in the Middleware and Concurrent Systems lectures.
The project is centered around the implementation of a platform for the support of concurrent applications operating on shared data, initially in a centralized environment, then in a distributed one.
The goal is to develop the platform and then to evaluate it through the development of a set of applications to be run on the platform.
The platform to implement is generally a simplified version of an existing standard plaform. For instance, the last editions of the project were targeting the implementation of a simplified version of the Haddop system.
This project is the continuation of the project conducted during the previous semester, in the "Systèmes Concurrents et Communicants" teaching unit.
Session 1 ou session unique - Contrôle des connaissances
Modalité | Nature | Coefficient | Remarques |
CT (contrôle terminal) | Projet | 100% | Projet Données Réparties |
Session 2 - Contrôle des connaissances
Modalité | Nature | Coefficient | Remarques |
CT (contrôle terminal) | Projet | 100% | Projet Données Réparties |