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    École Nationale Supérieure d'Électrotechnique d'Électronique d'Informatique d'Hydraulique et des Télécommunications


Read, understand and write the concepts of imperative programming in C langage.

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This class is divided in two parts:

- Part 1 : Introduction to C langage (types, constants, control structures, user types, strings, pointers) and concept of functions and procedures in C.

This part is composed of one CM, one TD ans one TP that take place in semestre 5.

- Part 2 : Modules, make and dynamic memory allocation in C.

This part is composed of one CM, one TD ans one TP that take place in semestre 6.

This C langage class isn't evaluated, but is a pre-requisite for the operating systems class of semester 6.

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Programmation Impérative 1 et 2 competences are required:

- Algorithmic langage,

- Program design with succesive raffinements method,

- Fonctions and procedures,

- User data types (records, enumeration and arrays),

- Modules and genericity,

- Dynamic memory allocation,

- Dynamic data structures,

- Abstract data types.

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